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計画ID: p2587376 全員に公開 無雪期ピークハント/縦走槍・穂高・乗鞍

Nakanoyu中の湯->Yakedake焼岳->Warudaniyama割谷山->Shinhotaka Ropeway西穂高口

日程 2022年10月27日 (日帰り) [予備日: 1日]
メンバー ホリ
Solo hiking
経路を調べる(Google Transit)
13.5 km
1,756 m
928 m


06:45 中の湯バス停 - 07:01 旧道分岐 - 07:53 中ノ湯温泉 - 08:09 焼岳登山口 - 09:57 広場 - 11:23 北峰分岐 - 11:59 中尾峠 - 12:17 焼岳小屋 - 13:13 割谷山 - 15:03 西穂山荘 - 16:01 西穂高口
緊急時の対応1. If it starts snowing on my way up to Yakedake, I will return to Nakanoyu.
2. If it starts snowing after I reach Yakedake, I will take the shortest route to Nishihotaka Ropeway Station / Nakanoyu Onsen.
3. If Yakedake shows any sign of volcanic activity on my way up, I will return to Nakanoyu.
4. After summiting Yakedake, I will hike back down to mountain hut 焼岳小屋. If i reach 焼岳小屋 after 12:30, I will return to Nakanoyu Onsen (Last bus from Nakanoyu to Hirayu will depart at 17:45).
5. Last cable car from Nishihotaka Ropeway Station will depart at 16:45.
5(a)If I fail to reach mountain hut 西穂山荘 by 15:30, I will take the route to Kamikochi instead to take the last bus departing for Hirayu Onsen at 17:30. If I fail to catch the last bus, I will stay the night at huts in Kamikochi.
5(b)If I reach mountain hut 西穂山荘 after 16:00, I will stay the night at mountain hut 西穂山荘.
6. I will back off if I see bear cubs or bears.
注意箇所・注意点1. Yakedake is an active volcano. I will exercise my knowledge in geology and pay full attention to signs of activity.
2. Route from mountain hut 焼岳小屋 to Kamikochi is closed from 21/10 onwards. I will not use it as an escape route.
3. There might be accumulated snow on the route. I will retreat if I feel unsafe to hike.
4. Route from Yakedake to Nakaokogen-guchi 中尾高原口 seems unsafe. I will not wander towards that route.
5. I will not wander off the planned route / listed escape routes unless it's for the purpose of safety.
食事4 nos. of riceballs, 1 pack of candies, 1 pack of cookies, 1 pack of 250ml vita lemon tea, 1.5L of water (500ml hot, 1L room temp), Lunch at 焼岳小屋 if time allows
計画書の提出先ながの電子申請サービス (Nagano electronic application service)
Reception at accomodation at Hirayu Onsen 匠の宿 深山桜庵
Friends in Hong Kong
その他My Phone No. +852 62347044; Emergency Contact Person (Mr. Jason Yeung) +852 95167303 - English/Cantonese only


個人装備 Tシャツ ソフトシェル ズボン 靴下 グローブ 防寒着 日よけ帽子 ザック 昼ご飯 行動食 非常食 飲料 レジャーシート 地図(地形図) コンパス 計画書 ヘッドランプ 予備電池 筆記用具 ガイド地図(ブック) ファーストエイドキット 常備薬 日焼け止め 携帯 時計 サングラス Garmin GPS Watch Portable phone charger leg warmer neck warmer


ニッ にっこり シュン エッ!? ん? フフッ げらげら むぅ べー はー しくしく カーッ ふんふん ウィンク これだっ! 車 カメラ 鉛筆 消しゴム ビール 若葉マーク 音符 ハートマーク 電球/アイデア 星 パソコン メール 電話 晴れ 曇り時々晴れ 曇り 雨 雪 温泉 木 花 山 おにぎり 汗 電車 お酒 急ぐ 富士山 ピース/チョキ パンチ happy01 angry despair sad wobbly think confident coldsweats01 coldsweats02 pout gawk lovely bleah wink happy02 bearing catface crying weep delicious smile shock up down shine flair annoy sleepy sign01 sweat01 sweat02 dash note notes spa kissmark heart01 heart02 heart03 heart04 bomb punch good rock scissors paper ear eye sun cloud rain snow thunder typhoon sprinkle wave night dog cat chick penguin fish horse pig aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo libra scorpius sagittarius capricornus aquarius pisces heart spade diamond club pc mobilephone mail phoneto mailto faxto telephone loveletter memo xmas clover tulip apple bud maple cherryblossom id key sharp one two three four five six seven eight nine zero copyright tm r-mark dollar yen free search new ok secret danger upwardright downwardleft downwardright upwardleft signaler toilet restaurant wheelchair house building postoffice hospital bank atm hotel school fuji 24hours gasstation parking empty full smoking nosmoking run baseball golf tennis soccer ski basketball motorsports cafe bar beer fastfood boutique hairsalon karaoke movie music art drama ticket camera bag book ribbon present birthday cake wine bread riceball japanesetea bottle noodle tv cd foot shoe t-shirt rouge ring crown bell slate clock newmoon moon1 moon2 moon3 train subway bullettrain car rvcar bus ship airplane bicycle yacht



