山行目的 | Nil | 集合場所・時間 | Nil Solo hiking | 行動予定 (自由記述) | 06:45 中の湯バス停 - 07:01 旧道分岐 - 07:53 中ノ湯温泉 - 08:09 焼岳登山口 - 09:57 広場 - 11:23 北峰分岐 - 11:59 中尾峠 - 12:17 焼岳小屋 - 13:13 割谷山 - 15:03 西穂山荘 - 16:01 西穂高口 | 緊急時の対応・ルート | 1. If it starts snowing on my way up to Yakedake, I will return to Nakanoyu. 2. If it starts snowing after I reach Yakedake, I will take the shortest route to Nishihotaka Ropeway Station / Nakanoyu Onsen. 3. If Yakedake shows any sign of volcanic activity on my way up, I will return to Nakanoyu. 4. After summiting Yakedake, I will hike back down to mountain hut 焼岳小屋. If i reach 焼岳小屋 after 12:30, I will return to Nakanoyu Onsen (Last bus from Nakanoyu to Hirayu will depart at 17:45). 5. Last cable car from Nishihotaka Ropeway Station will depart at 16:45. 5(a)If I fail to reach mountain hut 西穂山荘 by 15:30, I will take the route to Kamikochi instead to take the last bus departing for Hirayu Onsen at 17:30. If I fail to catch the last bus, I will stay the night at huts in Kamikochi. 5(b)If I reach mountain hut 西穂山荘 after 16:00, I will stay the night at mountain hut 西穂山荘. 6. I will back off if I see bear cubs or bears. | 注意箇所・注意点 | 1. Yakedake is an active volcano. I will exercise my knowledge in geology and pay full attention to signs of activity. 2. Route from mountain hut 焼岳小屋 to Kamikochi is closed from 21/10 onwards. I will not use it as an escape route. 3. There might be accumulated snow on the route. I will retreat if I feel unsafe to hike. 4. Route from Yakedake to Nakaokogen-guchi 中尾高原口 seems unsafe. I will not wander towards that route. 5. I will not wander off the planned route / listed escape routes unless it's for the purpose of safety. | 食事 | 4 nos. of riceballs, 1 pack of candies, 1 pack of cookies, 1 pack of 250ml vita lemon tea, 1.5L of water (500ml hot, 1L room temp), Lunch at 焼岳小屋 if time allows | 計画書の提出先・場所 | ながの電子申請サービス (Nagano electronic application service) Reception at accomodation at Hirayu Onsen 匠の宿 深山桜庵 Friends in Hong Kong | その他 | My Phone No. +852 62347044; Emergency Contact Person (Mr. Jason Yeung) +852 95167303 - English/Cantonese only |
氏名 /
生年月日 /
携帯電話 /
山岳保険 /
個人装備品 | Tシャツ, ソフトシェル, ズボン, 靴下, グローブ, 防寒着, 日よけ帽子, 靴, ザック, 昼ご飯, 行動食, 非常食, 飲料, レジャーシート, 地図(地形図), コンパス, 笛, 計画書, ヘッドランプ, 予備電池, 筆記用具, ガイド地図(ブック), ファーストエイドキット, 常備薬, 日焼け止め, 携帯, 時計, サングラス, Garmin GPS Watch, Portable phone charger, leg warmer, neck warmer |
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