[山行計画書] AstroClimbers Mt.Fuji
(山行種別:ハイキング, エリア:富士・御坂)
2024年08月25日 ~ 2024年08月26日

山行目的富士山登頂 Reach Mr.Fuji Peak
集合場所・時間新宿都庁大型バス駐車場7:00 出発7:10
Meet at bus parking lot in Shinjuku at 7am. the bus leaves at 7:10 so be on

新宿駅「西改札」を出て、正面左側地下通路(明治安田生命ビル 向かって右側の「南側通路」)を都庁方面へ約6分(約450m)そのまま歩くと地下通路が途切れます。その先を左側階段を昇らずに直進し左手側「京王プラザホテル」を通り過ぎます。左側建物内部に入ると東京都庁大型車駐車場となります。


【From JR Shinjuku】
From JR Shinjuku West Exit, walk through the underground passage on the left side towards the Tokyo Metropolitan Gov. Building. It's about a 6-mins walk (approximately 450m). When the underground passage ends, keep going straight without taking the left staircase. Pass by Keio Plaza Hotel on your left. Once inside the building on the left, you'll find it.

【From Tochomae on the Toei Oedo Line】
There's just one ticket gate. Take Exit A2, leading to the Tochoogata Bus Parking Lot

復路 富士宮登山口駐車場 11:40集合 12:00出発 (その後温泉→帰京)
Return: Meet at the parking lot at 11:40 and depart for onsen at noon.

富士宮口五合目 12:00 - 12:24 六合目 12:54 - 14:06 新七合目 14:16 - 15:16 元祖七合目 15:26 - 16:14 八合 - 16:50 九合 (1泊)

九合 03:30 - 04:06 九合五勺 - 04:42 富士宮ルート山頂 05:12 - 05:36 富士山頂 - 06:30 吉田・須走ルート頂上 07:00 - 07:02 須走下山口 - 07:38 御殿場ルート山頂 - 08:32 八合 - 09:02 七合五勺 - 09:08 七合 - 09:32 下り六合 - 09:56 宝永山 - 11:02 六合目 - 11:14 富士宮口五合目
8/25 Sunset 18:22pm
8/26 Sunrise 5:13 am
Eat lunch and adjust to altitude at 6th station lodge
In case of emergencies, start to descent (altitude sickness), stay at the lodge ( bad weather), adjust the course and shorten descent course.
注意箇所・注意点剣ヶ峰登頂が6:00 過ぎた場合はお鉢巡りはやめて下山を開始する
If it’s past 6am at the peak, do not go around the peak but start descent.
食事Food& Drink
1st day: Lunch at 6th station lodge to get used to the altitude, bring snack, amino acid supplement, salt tablet and min of 2L drink. Dinner at 9th station lodge
2nd day: Breakfast box provided by lodge

Average cost of 500ml pet bottle is 500-600 yen.
計画書の提出先・場所Compass (Tomoko to submit hiking plan to the local authorities via internet site, Compass)
★ 健康保険証持参

★Please subscribe to overnight hiking insurance.
★Bring amino acid supplement, citric/salt tablet, Band-Aid and taping for
★Most of the lodges only take cash for purchasing drinks, food, etc.
Bring cash.
★Bring health insurance card

氏名 /
生年月日 /
住所 携帯電話 /
山岳保険 /

個人装備品長袖シャツ, Tシャツ, ズボン, 靴下, グローブ, 防寒着, 雨具, 日よけ帽子, , ザック, 行動食, 非常食, 飲料, ヘッドランプ, 予備電池, ファーストエイドキット, 常備薬, 日焼け止め, 健康保険証, タオル, ストック, ゲイター, ザックカバー(ゴミ袋でも), 着替え, アミノ酸サプり, スマホ, 充電器, スマホ予備バッテリー, Opt頭痛薬, Opt耳栓, Optアイマスク, 折りたたみ傘, (下山後の)サンダル
共同装備品TomokoGPS, ココヘリ, バーナー, コッヘル
装備備考Long sleeve shirt, T shirt ( Space sweeper), pants, socks, gloves, warm
jacket or fleece, rain wear top and bottom, cap, trekking shoes, backpack,
Snack, drink (2L min), head light, battery, first aid kit, medicine, sun screen, health insurance card, towel, backpack cover (trash bag will do), trekking pole, gaiter, change of clothes, amino acid, mobile phone, charging cable, battery, optional ( pain killer, eye mask, ear plugs if you are sensitive) umbrella, sandals for post hike.

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