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ユーザ名 | wagamichio |
ニックネーム | わがみちおwagamichi |
登山経験 | 山行日数 16日 |
自己紹介 | •YouTube「わがみちおの スットコぼっち登山」 https://youtube.com/@user-wagamichi •English explanation available •2023年10月以前のGPSルート静止画文字情報 はYAMAPリンクへ https://yamap.com/users/1290140 ・2022年末 ふるさと兵庫100山(兵庫山岳連盟選)完登🎉 おじぼっちで、安全&日帰り登山を、マイペースでやってます☺️ 私のスットコ山行YouTubeが、ほんの少しでも、皆様の山行の下調べの役に立ったり、山へ行けない時の気晴らしや暇つぶしになれば、こんなに嬉しい事はありません☺️ まだまだ未熟者ですが、やめずに気長~にやっていきます😁(里山のインバウンドに貢献するため、英語字幕を入れてます) 2018年仕事中 かかと骨折、趣味のマラソンや、慣れ親しんだ部署から離れましたが、山と出会い😍、山に励まされ🥹、今の私にできる、無理しないマイペース山歩きをしてます😉。 ・End of 2022 Hometown Hyogo 100 Mountains (Hyogo Mountaineering Federation Selection) Completed 🎉 I'm doing safe and day-trip mountain hiking at my own pace ☺️ I would be so happy if my Sutco Mountaineering YouTube could be even just a little bit helpful for your research on mountaineering, or a distraction or a way to kill time when you can't go to the mountains☺️ I'm still an inexperienced person, but I'll be patient and don't give up. I'm going to 😁 In 2018, I broke my heel at work and was no longer able to run marathons as a hobby or work in the department I was used to, but I encountered the mountains😍 and was encouraged by the mountains🥹, so now I'm hiking at my own pace without forcing myself to do what I can do😉 . For some people, my "inward" V sign might have looked very offensive, and I'd sincerely apologize for it. I didn't know about the meaning of it and didn't mean it. I thought that sign looked like a deer hoof, so I meant by that sign, "Dear(Deer)!❤️" |
他のホームページ | https://youtube.com/@user-wagamichi |
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