◎ 強くゆるまない結び、Reever knot (クロスベンドとダブルクロス) の動画を作りました。
> 新しい結び、Reever knot (クロスベンドとそのバリエーション)の結び方を紹介します。
Now introduce a new 2 knots, how to tie Reever knot 「Cross-bend」and bariation.
> 特徴は、コンパクトで強く、緩まない、ほどけない、信頼性の高い結びです。
This knots is compact, and strong, no luse, no brake-OFF、very reliable.
Now introduce a new 2 knots, how to tie Reever knot 「Cross-bend」and bariation.
> 特徴は、コンパクトで強く、緩まない、ほどけない、信頼性の高い結びです。
This knots is compact, and strong, no luse, no brake-OFF、very reliable.
◎ 基本形のクロスベンドです。
How to tie New knots Crossbend is easy and strong 180729 - YouTube
#Howtotie #New #knots #Crossbend never luse - never slip off very strong I make gif movies For climbers and rescuers I want more people to try it and I want ...
>> < Reever knot (クロスベンドの結び方) >
How to tie the Cross-bend.
Start from the shape that crossed two rope with your left hand.
( 左を水平に持ち、右は上から下へ、垂直に重ねます。)
Hold the left side horizontally and the other vertically from top to bottom.
vertical side 1 turn from the under. From the left, watch clockwise
On the other side, after adjusting the length, 1 turn. From the right, watch clockwise
In the center of the triangle, take the gap,from the top and pull it to left out.
After adjusting the term-end length, Hold it with your left hand, pull the baserope and tighten it.
ほどくのは簡単です。 ( tie off is easy )
>(1)左右に開いて、 ( Open left and right, )
>(2)片方の基綱を緩め、 ( Loosen one rope. )
>(3)反対の基綱も緩め、 ( and Loosen opposite rope, )
>(4)左右の輪をねじりながら引く。 ( Twist the left and right rings. )
How to tie the Cross-bend.
Start from the shape that crossed two rope with your left hand.
( 左を水平に持ち、右は上から下へ、垂直に重ねます。)
Hold the left side horizontally and the other vertically from top to bottom.
vertical side 1 turn from the under. From the left, watch clockwise
On the other side, after adjusting the length, 1 turn. From the right, watch clockwise
In the center of the triangle, take the gap,from the top and pull it to left out.
After adjusting the term-end length, Hold it with your left hand, pull the baserope and tighten it.
ほどくのは簡単です。 ( tie off is easy )
>(1)左右に開いて、 ( Open left and right, )
>(2)片方の基綱を緩め、 ( Loosen one rope. )
>(3)反対の基綱も緩め、 ( and Loosen opposite rope, )
>(4)左右の輪をねじりながら引く。 ( Twist the left and right rings. )
◎ 強化版のDouble Reever knot (ダブルクロス)も作りました。
How to tie New knots Double Crossbend is easy and strong 180729 - YouTube
#Howtotie #New #knots #doublecross #Crossbend never luse - never slip off very strong I make gif movies For climbers and rescuers I want more people to try i...
>> < Double Reever knot (ダブルクロスベンド)の結び方です。>
Next is how to Tie the Double Reever knot ( Double-cross-bend )..
Start from the shape that crossed two rope with your left hand.
( 左を水平に持ち、右は上から下へ、垂直に重ねます。)
Hold the left side horizontally and the other vertically from top to bottom.
vertical side 2 turn from the other side. stack it from outside to inside.
From the left, watch clockwise
On the other side, after adjusting the length, 2 turn. stack it from outside to inside.
From the right, watch clockwise
In the center of the triangle, take the gap,from the top and pull it to left out.
After adjusting the term-end length, Hold it with your left hand, pull the baserope and tighten it.
>> ほどくのはもう一手間。
> 大きく開く為、内側の輪を外へ開きます、( Open the inner ring outside to large open 2 ring )
( 後は同様に )
> 片方の基綱を緩め、 ( Loosen one rope. )
> 反対の基綱も緩め、 ( and Loosen opposite rope, )
> 左右の輪をねじりながら引く。 ( Twist the left and right rings. )
Next is how to Tie the Double Reever knot ( Double-cross-bend )..
Start from the shape that crossed two rope with your left hand.
( 左を水平に持ち、右は上から下へ、垂直に重ねます。)
Hold the left side horizontally and the other vertically from top to bottom.
vertical side 2 turn from the other side. stack it from outside to inside.
From the left, watch clockwise
On the other side, after adjusting the length, 2 turn. stack it from outside to inside.
From the right, watch clockwise
In the center of the triangle, take the gap,from the top and pull it to left out.
After adjusting the term-end length, Hold it with your left hand, pull the baserope and tighten it.
>> ほどくのはもう一手間。
> 大きく開く為、内側の輪を外へ開きます、( Open the inner ring outside to large open 2 ring )
( 後は同様に )
> 片方の基綱を緩め、 ( Loosen one rope. )
> 反対の基綱も緩め、 ( and Loosen opposite rope, )
> 左右の輪をねじりながら引く。 ( Twist the left and right rings. )
◎ 2018/9/6 < 追記 > −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
感激です… 金谷一郎氏から、クロスベンドを結んだ写真と感想をいただきました。
I'm thrilled...
Mr. Ichiro Kanaya gave me a picture and impression of the "cross bend".
・ 金谷氏は、大学の情報の先生で、
Mr. Kanaya is a professor of information at a university.
He is also familiar with climbing.
When Twitter launched last September,
I refer to the cultural differences in the way you tie ropesof the teacher's blog.
*Photo 1:
This is my Tw who quoted Mr. Kanaya's blog last October.
I'm thrilled...
Mr. Ichiro Kanaya gave me a picture and impression of the "cross bend".
・ 金谷氏は、大学の情報の先生で、
Mr. Kanaya is a professor of information at a university.
He is also familiar with climbing.
When Twitter launched last September,
I refer to the cultural differences in the way you tie ropesof the teacher's blog.
*Photo 1:
This is my Tw who quoted Mr. Kanaya's blog last October.
●写真2: クロスベンドを結んで見た。
*Photo 2:
I connected a "cross bend".
*Photo 2:
I connected a "cross bend".
●写真3: 緊急時にありがちな組み合わせとして、8mmのクライミングロープと5.5mmのケプラーロープを継いで見た。
*Photo 3:
A common combination in an emergency is:
With an 8mm climbing rope
I connected a 5.5 mm kettle rope and saw it.
*Photo 3:
A common combination in an emergency is:
With an 8mm climbing rope
I connected a 5.5 mm kettle rope and saw it.
( 私はとてもうれしくて、飛び上がりそうでした。)
(I was so happy that I almost jumped out.)
In particular, as my impression of Photo 2, "IT'S EASY TO REMEMBER, AND IT'S EASY TO BREAK."
I was very happy to hear that.
Thank you, Dr. Kanaya.
◎ Youtubeへの動画アップがきっかけで、
*I uploaded a video on Youtube.
I think I was able to move forward one step by getting feedback from the teacher.
< その後お送りした、バリエーションの画像とURLです。>
<This is the variation image and URL that I sent you after that.>
(I was so happy that I almost jumped out.)
In particular, as my impression of Photo 2, "IT'S EASY TO REMEMBER, AND IT'S EASY TO BREAK."
I was very happy to hear that.
Thank you, Dr. Kanaya.
◎ Youtubeへの動画アップがきっかけで、
*I uploaded a video on Youtube.
I think I was able to move forward one step by getting feedback from the teacher.
< その後お送りした、バリエーションの画像とURLです。>
<This is the variation image and URL that I sent you after that.>
< Double Reever knot ( クロスベンド ) の動画のURLです。>
<URL of the crossbend video.>
<URL of the crossbend video.>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLgxklzGn_yHTohA62plN0re6nFOIFdfDa" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
・ 昨年6月の考案から1年がたちました、
・ 画像加工や音声編集の仕方がわからないので、まだ画像のみですが、これからもっとわかりやすいものにしていきたいと思っています。
・ それぞれの結び方の後半に、ほどき方もついています。
< 昨年のヤマノートも合わせてごらん下さい >
コンパクトで強い、クロスベンド 新しいつなぎ結び
・ 画像加工や音声編集の仕方がわからないので、まだ画像のみですが、これからもっとわかりやすいものにしていきたいと思っています。
・ それぞれの結び方の後半に、ほどき方もついています。
< 昨年のヤマノートも合わせてごらん下さい >
コンパクトで強い、クロスベンド 新しいつなぎ結び
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