朝日岳 -Mt. Asahi-
- --:--
- 距離
- 10.7km
- 登り
- 1,570m
- 下り
- 1,558m
天候 | 弱雨、ガス Light rain and fog |
過去天気図(気象庁) | 2015年04月の天気図 |
アクセス |
About 2 hours from Hamamatsu by car. 駐車場にはキレイなトイレがあります。 There's a clean bathroom in the parking lot. |
コース状況/ 危険箇所等 |
急な所が多いです。気をつけて赤い印を探せば迷うことはないでしょ。ヒルがいた… The trail is very steep. You won't get lost if you follow the red marks on the trees carefully. There were leeches... |
その他周辺情報 | 下山の後、駐車場の前にある翠紅苑の温泉に入りました。500円でした。ご飯も食べようと思ったんですけど、レストランの営業は13:30まででした。寸又峡には他のレストランもあるけど、足が疲れてて諦めました。 After returning to the village I took a dip in the onsen at Suikoen next to the parking lot. It was 500yen. I thought about eating there as well, but missed the restaurant's open hours and was too late. It closed at 13:30. There are other places to eat in the village but I was too tired to walk around anymore. |
2 weeks ago I climbed Mt. Sawaguchi (accessed through the same village). Sumatakyou is a great place for adventure as there is access to multiple mountain trails and hiking trails...plus hot springs and little cafes and restaurants.
Along this climb I met a badger. He was just standing around on the trail about 10 feet ahead of me and refused to move even when I hit my poles together to alert him to my presence. It wasnt until I raised my arms in the air to make myself bigger than he ran off. It was an interesting meeting for us both.